Buttondown Documentation
Tags are an easy way to segment users into different groups! You can send emails including (or excluding!) certain tags, making it easy to tailor your newsletters' content to who's going to enjoy it the most or find it the most relevant.
To enable tags, you'll go to the Basics settings page scroll to the Tags section and toggle this on. Hit save, and you'll be ready to start grouping users!
There are three different ways to add tags to users:
Interested in adding tags to your subscription form? Learn more about doing so in the tags section of building your subscriber base.
You can manually tag users in Buttondown.
To create a new tag you can go to Tags, and click the "New" button in the top right of the screen.
Next you can update your subscribers by selecting their emails, then clicking the "Add tags" button in the bottom right.
Subscribers can opt into different tags when they subscribe (via Buttondown URL or embedded HTML form), but they can't remove themselves from a tag. The unsubscribe link unsubscribes them from the newsletter entirely.
If you're interested in allowing subscribers to manage their tags, you'll want to check out the subscriber autonomy feature, which allows subscribers to manage their tags and preferences.
However, since these subscribers are under the same newsletter, you can easily send the same email to a combination of tags that might be interested.
There's no limit to the number of tags you can have in Buttondown.
Now that you have your readers grouped, you can start sending your newsletters to a select group.
Within the Audience section of the "Send this email" drawer, there should be an option for "Custom..."